
*authors contributed equally, #corresponding author(s).


  1. D'Agostino F*, Zenkel T*, Gonschorek D*, Höfling L#, Euler T#, Bethge M# (2025) openretina: Collaborative Retina Modelling Across Datasets and Species. bioRxiv 10.1101/2025.03.07.642012.
  2. Baden T*, Angueyra JM, Bosten JM, Collin SP, Conway B, Cortesi F, Dedek K, Euler T, Flamarique IN, Franklin A, Haverkamp S, Kelber A, Neuhauss SCF, Li W, Lucas R, Osorio DC, Shekhar K, Tommasini D, Yoshimatsu T, Corbo JC (2025) A Standardized Nomenclature for the Rods and Cones of the Vertebrate Retina. 10.20944/preprints202502.0357.v1.
  3. Fornetto C, Euler T, Baden T (2024) Vertebrate vision is ancestrally based on competing cone circuits. bioRxiv
  4. Kautzky M*, Peterreins VS*, Qiu Y*,Zhao Z, Kotkat AH, Katzner S, Euler T#, Busse L# (2024). A hemispheric dome setup for naturalistic visual stimulation in head-fixed mice. bioRxiv 10.1101/2024.05.31.596599.


  1. Oesterle J, Ran Y, Stahr P, Kerr NDJ, Schubert S, Berens P, Euler T (2024). Sustained ON alpha retinal ganglion cells in the temporal retina exhibit task-specific regional adaptions in dendritic signal integration. Science Advances accepted (preprint available from 10.1101/2024.03.27.586958).
  2. Dyszkant N, Oesterle J, Qiu Y, Harrer M, Schubert T, Gonschorek D#, Euler T# (2025) Photoreceptor degeneration has heterogeneous effects on functional retinal ganglion cell types. The Journal of Physiology 10.1113/JP287643 (preprint ahead of publication).
  3. Gonschorek D, Goldin MA, Oesterle J, Schwerd-Kleine T, Arlinghaus R, Zhao Z, Schubert T, Marre O, Euler T (2025). Nitric oxide modulates contrast suppression in a subset of mouse retinal ganglion cells. eLife 13:RP98742, 10.7554/eLife.98742.


  1. Korympidou MM*, Strauss S*, Schubert T, Franke K, Berens P, Euler T#, Vlasits A# (2024). GABAergic amacrine cells balance biased chromatic information in the mouse retina. Cell Reports 43:11, 114953, 10.1016/j.celrep.2024.114953.
  2. Höfling L, Szatko KP, Behrens C, Qiu Y, Deng Y, Klindt DA, Jessen Z, Schwartz GW, Bethge M, Berens P, Franke K, Ecker AS, Euler T (2024). A chromatic feature detector in the retina signals visual context changes. eLife 13:e86860, 10.7554/eLife.86860.
  3. Wu N, Valera I, Sinz F, Ecker A, Euler T, Qiu Y (2024). Probabilistic Neural Transfer Function Estimation with Bayesian System Identification. PLoS Comp Biol 20(7): e1012354, 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1012354.
  4. Burg MF, Zenkel T, Vystrčilová M, Oesterle J, Höfling L, Willeke KF, Lause J, Müller S, Fahey PG, Ding Z, Restivo K, Sridhar S, Gollisch T, Berens P, Tolias AS, Euler T, Bethge M, Ecker AS (2023) Most discriminative stimuli for functional cell type identification. arXiv arXiv:2401.05342.; accepted as ICLR 2024 poster.
  5. Chang L, Ran Y, Mingpo Y, Auferkorte O, Butz E, Hueser L, Haverkamp S, Euler T, Schubert S (2024). Spike desensitisation as a mechanism for high-contrast selectivity in retinal ganglion cells. Front Cell Neurosci 17:1337768, 10.3389/fncel.2023.1337768.


  1. Qiu Y, Klindt DA, Szatko KP, Gonschorek D, Hoefling L, Schubert T, Busse L, Bethge M, Euler T (2023) Efficient coding of natural scenes improves neural system identification. PLoS Comput Biol 19(4): e1011037; 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1011037.
  2. Kremers L, Sarieva K, Hoffmann F, Zhao Z, Ueffing M, Euler T, Nikić-Spiegel I, Schubert T (2023). Super-resolution STED imaging in the inner and outer whole-mount mouse retina. Front Ophthalmol 3:1126338; 10.3389/fopht.2023.1126338.


  1. Liu Z, Lu X, Villette V, Gou Y, Colbert KL, Lai S, Guan S, Land MA, Lee J, Assefa T, Zollinger DR, Korympidou MM, Vlasits AL, Pang MM, Su S, Cai C, Froudarakis E, Zhou N, Patel SS, Smith CL, Ayon A, Bizouard P, Bradley J, Franke K, Clandinin TR, Giovannucci A, Tolias AS, Reimer J, Dieudonné S, St-Pierre F (2022). Sustained deep-tissue voltage recording using a fast indicator evolved for two-photon microscopy. Cell 10.1016/j.cell.2022.07.013.
  2. Idrees S, Baumann MP, Korympidou MM, Schubert T, Kling A, Franke K, Hafed ZM, Franke F, Münch TA (2022) Suppression without inhibition: how retinal computation contributes to saccadic suppression. Communication Biology 5, 692 10.1038/s42003-022-03526-2.
  3. Strauss S*, Korympidou MM*, Ran Y, Franke K, Schubert T, Baden T, Berens P, Euler T#, Vlasits AL# (2022) Center-surround interactions underlie bipolar cell motion sensitivity in the mouse retina. Nature Communication 13, 5574, 10.1038/s41467-022-32762-7. [PDF]
  4. Arsić A, Hagemann C, Stajković N, Schubert T, Nikić-Spiegel I (2022) Minimal genetically encoded tags for fluorescent protein labeling in living neurons. Nature Communications 13(1):314,
  5. Janiak FK, Bartel P, Bale M, Yoshimatsu T, Komulainen EH, Zhou M, Staras K, Prieto-Godino LL, Euler T, Maravall M, Baden T (2022) Non-Telecentric 2P microscopy for 3D random access mesoscale imaging. Nature Communications 13, 544, 10.1038/s41467-022-28192-0.
  6. Das S, Popp V, Power M, Groeneveld K, Yan J, Melle C, Rogerson L, Achury M, Schwede F, Strasser T, Euler T, Paquet-Durand F, Nache V (2022) Redefining the role of Ca2+-permeable channels in photoreceptor degeneration using diltiazem. Cell Death & Disease 13, 47; 10.1038/s41419-021-04482-1.
  7. Behrens C, Yadav SC, Korympidou MM, Zhang Y, Haverkamp S, Irsen S, Schaedler A, Lu X, Liu Z, Lause J, St-Pierre F, Franke K, Vlasits A, Dedek K, Smith RG, Euler T, Berens P, Schubert T (2022) Retinal horizontal cells use different synaptic sites for global feedforward and local feedback signaling. Current Biology 10.1016/j.cub.2021.11.055.


  1. Gonschorek D*, Hoefling L*, Szatko KP, Franke K, Schubert T, Dunn B, Berens P, Klindt DA#, Euler T# (2021) Removing Inter-Experimental Variability from Functional Data in Systems Neuroscience. NeurIPS 2021, accepted; preprint on bioRxiv 10.1101/2021.10.29.466492.
  2. Huang Z, Ran Y, Oesterle J, Euler T, Berens P (2021) Estimating smooth and sparse neural receptive fields with a flexible spline basis. Neural data science / analysis 10.51628/001c.27578.
  3. Qiu Y, Zhao, Klindt D, Kautzky M, Szatko KP, Schaeffel F, Rifai K, Franke K, Busse L, Euler T (2021) Natural environment statistics in the upper and lower visual field are reflected in mouse retinal specializations. Current Biology 9;31(15):3233-3247.e6, 10.1016/j.cub.2021.05.017.


  1. Schröder S, Klindt D, Strauss S, Franke K, Bethge M, Euler T, Berens P (2020) System Identification with Biophysical Constraints: A Circuit Model of the Inner Retina. NeurIPS 33, link.
  2. Oesterle J, Behrens C, Schroeder C, Herrmann T, Euler T, Franke K, Smith RG, Zeck G, Berens P (2020) Bayesian inference for biophysical neuron models enables stimulus optimization for retinal neuroprosthetics. eLife 9:e54997 10.7554/eLife.54997.
  3. Szatko KP*, Korympidou MM*, Ran Y, Berens P, Dalkara D, Schubert S, Euler T, Franke K# (2020) Neural circuits in the mouse retina support color vision in the upper visual field. Nature Communications 11(1):3481, 10.1038/s41467-020-17113-8.
  4. Franke K, Vlasits A (2020) Perspective: Unblinding with infrared nanosensors. Science 368(6495):1057-1058,  10.1126/science.abc2294.
  5. Ran Y*, Huang Z*, Baden T, Baayen H, Berens P#, Franke K#, Euler T# (2020) Type-specific dendritic integration in mouse retinal ganglion cells. Nature Communications 11:2101, 10.1038/s41467-020-15867-9.
    Data and scripts
  6. Zhao Z*, Klindt D*, Maia Chagas A, Szatko KP, Rogerson LE, Protti D, Behrens C, Dalkara D, Schubert T, Bethge B, Franke K#, Berens P#, Ecker AS#, Euler T# (2020) The temporal structure of the inner retina at a single glance. Scientific Reports  10, 4399, 10.1038/s41598-020-60214-z.


  1. Baden T, Euler T, Berens P (2019) Understanding the retinal basis of vision across species. Nat Rev Neurosci 10.1038/s41583-019-0242-1.
  2. Qiu Y, Euler T (2019) Preview: Retinal Circuits for Seeing in the Dark. Neuron 10.1016/j.neuron.2019.10.026.
  3. Euler T, Franke K, Baden T (2019) Studying a Light Sensor with Light: Multiphoton Imaging in the Retina. In: Hartveit E. (eds) Multiphoton Microscopy. Neuromethods, vol 148. Humana, New York, NY, 10.1007/978-1-4939-9702-2_10.
  4. Power MJ, Rogerson LE, Schubert T, Berens P, Euler T#, Paquet-Durand F# (2019) Systematic spatio-temporal mapping reveals divergent cell death pathways in three mouse models of hereditary retinal degeneration. J Comp Neurol, accepted
    (preprint from BioRxiv 10.1101/554733).
  5. Vlasits A, Baden T (2019) Dispatch: Motion Vision: A New Mechanism in the Mammalian Retina. Curr Biol 10.1016/j.cub.2019.08.018.
  6. Power P, Das S, Schütze K, Marigoe V, Ekström P, Paquet-Durand F (2019) Cellular mechanisms of hereditary photoreceptor degeneration – Focus on cGMP. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 74:100772 10.1016/j.preteyeres.2019.07.005.
  7. Franke K*, Maia Chagas A*, Zhao Z, Zimmermann MJY, Bartel P, Qiu Y, Szatko K, Baden T, Euler T# (2019). An arbitrary-spectrum spatial visual stimulator for vision research. eLife 2019;8:e48779, 10.7554/eLife.48779.
  8. Rogerson LE, Zhao Z, Franke K, Euler T#, Berens P# (2019) Bayesian Hypothesis Testing And Experimental Design For Two-Photon Imaging Data. PLoS Comp Biol Aug 2;15(8):e1007205.
  9. Paquet-Durand F, Beck SC, Das S, Huber G, Chang L, Schubert T, Tanimoto N, Garcia-Garrido M, Mühlfriedel R, Bolz S, Hoffmann W, Schraermeyer U, Mordmüller B, Seeliger MW (2019) A retinal model of cerebral malaria. Scientific Reports 9:3470.
  10. Román Rosón M*, Bauer Y*, Kotkat AH, Berens P#, Euler T#, Busse L# (2019) Mouse dLGN receives functional input from a diverse population of retinal ganglion cells with limited convergence. Neuron 10.1016/j.neuron.2019.01.040


  1. Dhande O, Stafford B, Franke K, El-Danaf R, Percival K, Phan A, Li P, Hansen B, Nguyen P, Berens P, Taylor WR, Callaway E, Euler T, Huberman A (2018). Molecular fingerprinting of On-Off direction selective retinal ganglion cells across species and relevance to primate visual circuits" J Neurosci 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1784-18.2018.
  2. Vlasits AL, Euler T, Franke K (2018) Function first: classifying cell types and circuits of the retina. Curr Op Neurobiol 10.1016/j.conb.2018.10.011.
  3. Baden T, James B, Zimmermann MJY, Bartel P, Grijseels D, Euler T, Lagnado L, Maravall M. (2018) Spikeling: A low-cost hardware implementation of a spiking neuron for neuroscience teaching and outreach. PLoS Biol 10.1371/journal.pbio.2006760.
  4. Maia Chagas A (2018) Haves and have nots must find a better way: The case for open scientific hardware. PLoS Biol 10.1371/journal.pbio.3000014.
  5. Berens P, Freeman J, Deneux T, Chenkov N, McColgan T, Speiser A, Macke JH, Turaga S, Mineault P, Rupprecht P, Gerhard S, Friedrich RW, Friedrich J, Paninski L, Pachitariu M, Harris KD, Bolte B, Machado TA, Ringach D, Stone J, Rogerson LE, Sofroniew NJ, Reimer J, Froudarakis E, Euler T, Román Rosón M, Theis L, Tolias AS, Bethge M (2018) Community-based benchmarking improves spike rate inference from two-photon calcium imaging data. PLoS Comp Biol 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006157.
  6. Veruki ML, Schubert T (2018) Neural Circuits: When Neurons ‘Remember’ Their Connectivity (Dispatch). Curr Biol 10.1016/j.cub.2018.04.059.
  7. Baden T, Schubert T, Berens P, Euler T (2018). The Functional Organization of Vertebrate Retinal Circuits for Vision (Book Chapter). In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. Ed. S. Murray Sherman. New York: Oxford University Press, 10.1093/acrefore/9780190264086.013.68.
  8. Vighi E, Trifunović D, Veiga-Crespo P, Rentsch A, Hoffmann D, Sahaboglu A, Strasser T, Kulkarni M, Bertolotti E, van den Heuvel A, Peters T, Reijerkerk A, Euler T, Ueffing M, Schwede F, Genieser HG, Gaillard P, Marigo V, Ekström P, Paquet-Durand F (2018) Combination of cGMP analogue and drug delivery system provides functional protection in hereditary retinal degeneration. PNAS 10.1073/pnas.1718792115.


  1. Klindt D, Ecker A, Euler T, Bethge M (2017). Neural system identification for large populations separating “what” and “where”. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS). arXiv:1711.02653 [stat.ML]
    (Submitted on 7 Nov 2017 (v1), last revised 29 Jan 2018 (this version, v2))
  2. Chapot CA, Behrens C, Rogerson LE, Baden T, Pop S, Berens P, Euler T#, Schubert T# (2017) Local signals in mouse horizontal cell dendrites. 10.1016/j.cub.2017.10.050.
    Data coming soon.
  3. Maia Chagas A, Prieto-Godino LL, Arrenberg AB, Baden T (2017) The €100 lab: A 3D-printable open-source platform for fluorescence microscopy, optogenetics, and accurate temperature control during behaviour of zebrafish, Drosophila, and Caenorhabditis elegans. PLoS Biology 10.1371/journal.pbio.2002702.
  4. Berens P, Euler T (2017) Neuronal Diversity In The Retina. Neuroforum 23(2):A93–A101, 10.1515/nf-2016-A055.
  5. Chapot CA, Euler T, Schubert T (2017) Review: How do horizontal cells "talk" to cone photoreceptors? Different levels of complexity at the cone-horizontal cell synapse. J Physiol 10.1113/JP274177.
  6. Rogerson LE*, Behrens C*, Euler T, Berens P, Schubert T (2017) Review: Connectomics of synaptic microcircuits: lessons from the outer retina. J Physiol 10.1113/JP273671.
  7. Franke K, Baden T (2017) Review: General features of inhibition in the inner retina. J Physiol 10.1113/JP273648.
  8. Franke K*, Berens P*, Schubert T, Bethge M, Euler T#, Baden T# (2017). Inhibition decorrelates visual feature representations in the inner retina. Nature 10.1038/nature21394.
    For data see:
    Franke K, Berens P, Schubert T, Bethge M, Euler T, Baden T (2017). Data from: Inhibition decorrelates visual feature representations in the inner retina. Dryad Digital Repository; doi: 10.5061/dryad.rs2qp


  1. Behrens C*, Schubert T*, Haverkamp S, Euler T, Berens P (2016) Connectivity map of bipolar cells and photoreceptors in the mouse retina. eLife 10.7554/eLife.20041. Code.
  2. Baden T, Euler T (2016). Dispatch: Retinal Physiology: Non-Bipolar-Cell Excitatory Drive in the Inner Retina. Curr Biol 10.1016/j.cub.2016.03.065.
  3. Euler T, Baden T (2016) News & Views: Species-specific motion detectors. Nature 10.1038/nature18454.
  4. Kulkarni M, Trifunović D, Schubert T, Euler T, Paquet-Durand F (2016) Calcium dynamics change in degenerating cone photoreceptors. Human Molecular Genetics  10.1093/hmg/ddw219.
  5. Theis L, Berens P, Froudarakis E, Reimer J, Roman-Roson M, Baden T, Euler T, Tolias AS, Bethge M (2016). Benchmarking spike rate inference in population calcium imaging. Neuron 90(3): pp. 471-482. 10.1016/j.neuron.2016.04.014.
  6. Baden T*, Berens P*, Franke K*, Román Rosón M, Bethge M, Euler T# (2016). The functional diversity of retinal ganglion cells in the mouse. Nature 10.1038/nature16468.
    For data see:
    Baden T, Berens P, Franke K, Román Rosón M, Bethge M, Euler T (2016) Data from: The functional diversity of retinal ganglion cells in the mouse. Dryad Digital Repository; doi: 10.5061/dryad.d9v38.


  1. Schubert T*, Gleiser C*, Heiduschka P*, Franz C*, Nagel-Wolfrum K, Sahaboglu A, Weisschuh N, Eske G, Rohbock K, Rieger N, Paquet-Durand F, Wissinger B, Wolfrum U, Hirt B, Singer W, Rüttiger L, Zimmermann U, Knipper M. (2015) Deletion of myosin VI causes slow retinal optic neuropathy and age-related macular degeneration (AMD)-relevant retinal phenotype. Cell Mol Life Sci 10.1007/s00018-015-1913-3.
  2. Kulkarni M, Schubert T, Baden T, Wissinger B, Euler T#, Paquet-Durand F#. (2015) Imaging Ca2+ Dynamics in Cone Photoreceptor Axon Terminals of the Mouse Retina. J Vis Exp (99), e52588, 10.3791/52588.
  3. Baden T, Chagas MA, Gage G, Marzullo T, Prieto-Godino LL, Euler T (2015) Open Labware: 3-D Printing Your Own Lab Equipment. PLoS Biol 10.1371/journal.pbio.1002086
  4. Lee SC, Meyer A, Schubert T, Hüser L, Dedek K, Haverkamp S (2015) Morphology and connectivity of the small bistratified A8 amacrine cell in the mouse retina. J Comp Neurol 10.1002/cne.23752.
  5. Euler T and Schubert T (2015) Multiple independent oscillatory networks in the degenerating retina. Front Cell Neurosci 10.3389/fncel.2015.00444
  6. Jiang X, Shen S, Cadwell CR, Berens P, Sinz F, Ecker AS, Patel S, Tolias AS (2015). Principles of connectivity among morphologically defined cell types in adult neocortex. Science 350(6264), 10.1126/science.aac9462


  1. Arango-Gonzalez B, Trifunović D, Sahaboglu A, Kranz K, Michalakis S, Farinelli P, Koch S, Koch F, Cottet S, Janssen-Bienhold U, Dedek K, Biel M, Zrenner E, Euler T, Ekström P, Ueffing M, and Paquet-Durand F (2014) Identification of a common non-apoptotic cell death mechanism in hereditary retinal degeneration. PLoS One 9(11):e112142. 10.1371/journal.pone.0112142.
  2. Haq W, Arango-Gonzalez B, Zrenner E, Euler T, Schubert T (2014) Synaptic remodeling generates synchronous oscillations in the degenerated outer mouse retina. Front Neural Circuits 10.3389/fncir.2014.00108.
  3. Kemmler R, Schultz K, Dedek K, Euler T, Schubert T (2014) Differential Regulation of Cone Calcium Signals by Different Horizontal Cell Feedback Mechanisms in the Mouse Retina. J Neuroscience 34(35):11826-11843, 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0272-14.2014
  4. Euler T, Haverkamp S, Schubert T, Baden T (2014) Retinal bipolar cells: elementary building blocks of vision. Nature Rev Neurosci 15:507–519, 10.1038/nrn3783.


  1. Baden T, Euler T (2013) Early Vision: Where (Some of) the Magic Happens, Curr Biol 23(24):R1096-R1098,
  2. Yusuf S, Baden T, Prieto-Godino LL (2013) Bridging the Gap: establishing the necessary infrastructure and knowledge for teaching and research in neuroscience in Africa. Metabolic Brain Disease, DOI 10.1007/s11011-013-9443-x
  3. Baden T*, Schubert T*, Chang L, Wei T, Zaichuk M, Wissinger B, Euler T. (2013) A Tale of Two Retinal Domains: Near Optimal Sampling of Achromatic Contrasts in Natural Scenes Through Asymmetric Photoreceptor Distribution. Neuron 80(5):1206-1217, doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2013.09.030.
    For data see:
    Baden T*, Schubert T*, Chang L, Wei T, Zaichuk M, Wissinger B, Euler T (2014). Data from: A Tale of Two Retinal Domains: Near-Optimal Sampling of Achromatic Contrasts in Natural Scenes through Asymmetric Photoreceptor Distribution [Data set]. Zenodo. 10.5281/zenodo.1204501
  4. Baden T., Euler T., Weckström M., Lagnado L. (2013) Spikes and ribbon synapses in early vision. TiNS
  5. Puller C, Ivanova E, Euler T, Haverkamp S, Schubert T. (2013) OFF bipolar cells express distinct types of dendritic glutamate receptors in the mouse retina. Neurosci 243:136-48.
  6. Schubert T., Hoon M., Euler T., Lukasiewicz P.D., Wong R.O.L. (2013) Developmental regulation and activity-dependent maintenance of GABAergic presynaptic inhibition onto rod bipolar cell axonal terminals. Neuron 78(1):124-137.
  7. Chang L, Breuninger T, Euler T. (2013) Novel chromatic coding from cone-type unselective circuits in the mouse retina. Neuron, 77(3):559–571.
  8. Baden T, Behrens P, Bethge M, Euler T. (2013) Spikes in Mammalian Bipolar Cells Support Temporal Layering of the Inner Retina. Curr Biol. 23(1):48-52.


  1. Wei T, Schubert T, Paquet-Durand F, Tanimoto N, Chang L, Koeppen K, Ott T, Griesbeck O, Seeliger MW, Euler T#, Wissinger B. (2012) Light-driven calcium signals in mouse cone photoreceptors. J Neurosci. 32(20):6981-94.
  2. Auferkorte ON, Baden T, Kaushalya SK, Zabouri N, Rudolph U, Haverkamp S, Euler T. (2012) GABA(A) receptors containing the α2 subunit are critical for direction-selective inhibition in the retina. PLoS One 7(4):e35109.
  3. Tanimoto N, Sothilingam V, Euler T, Ruth P, Seeliger MW, Schubert T. (2012) BK channels mediate pathway-specific modulation of visual signals in the in vivo mouse retina. J Neurosci. 32(14):4861-6.


  1. Borst A, Euler T. (2011) Seeing things in motion: models, circuits, and mechanisms. Neuron 71(6):974-94.
  2. Breuninger T, Puller C, Haverkamp S, Euler T. (2011) Chromatic bipolar cell pathways in the mouse retina. J Neurosci. 31(17):6504-17.
  3. Briggman KL, Euler T. (2011) Bulk electroporation and population calcium imaging in the adult mammalian retina. J Neurophysiol. 105(5):2601-9.


  1. Schubert T, Euler T. (2010) Retinal processing: global players like it local. Curr Biol. 20(11):R486-8.
  2. Margolis DJ, Gartland AJ, Euler T, Detwiler PB. (2010) Dendritic calcium signaling in ON and OFF mouse retinal ganglion cells. J Neurosci. 30(21):7127-38.
  3. Schubert T, Huckfeldt RM, Parker E, Campbell JE, Wong ROL. (2010) Assembly of the outer retina in the absence of GABA synthesis in horizontal cells. Neural Development 5:15 doi:10.1186/1749-8104-5-15.

2009 and earlier

  1. Dedek K, Breuninger T, de Sevilla Müller LP, Maxeiner S, Schultz K, Janssen-Bienhold U, Willecke K, Euler T, Weiler R. (2009) A novel type of interplexiform amacrine cell in the mouse retina. Eur J Neurosci. 30(2):217-28.
  2. Schlichtenbrede FC, Mittmann W, Rensch F, Vom Hagen F, Jonas JB, Euler T. (2009) Toxicity assessment of intravitreal triamcinolone and bevacizumab in a retinal explant mouse model using two-photon microscopy. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 50(12):5880-7.
  3. Euler T#, Hausselt SE, Margolis DJ, Breuninger T, Castell X, Detwiler PB, Denk W. (2009) Eyecup scope--optical recordings of light stimulus-evoked fluorescence signals in the retina. Pflugers Arch. 457(6):1393-414.
  4. Margolis DJ, Newkirk G, Euler T, Detwiler PB. (2008) Functional stability of retinal ganglion cells after degeneration-induced changes in synaptic input. J Neurosci. 28(25):6526-36.
  5. Hausselt SE, Euler T#, Detwiler PB, Denk W. (2007) A dendrite-autonomous mechanism for direction selectivity in retinal starburst amacrine cells. PLoS Biol. 5(7):e185.
  6. Duebel J, Haverkamp S, Schleich W, Feng G, Augustine GJ, Kuner T, Euler T. (2006) Two-photon imaging reveals somatodendritic chloride gradient in retinal ON-type bipolar cells expressing the biosensor Clomeleon. Neuron 49(1):81-94.
  7. Oesch N, Euler T, Taylor WR. (2005) Direction-selective dendritic action potentials in rabbit retina. Neuron 47(5):739-50.
  8. Haverkamp S, Wässle H#, Duebel J, Kuner T, Augustine GJ, Feng G, Euler T. (2005) The primordial, blue-cone color system of the mouse retina. J Neurosci. 25(22):5438-45.
  9. Hasan MT, Friedrich RW, Euler T, Larkum ME, Giese G, Both M, Duebel J, Waters J, Bujard H, Griesbeck O, Tsien RY, Nagai T, Miyawaki A, Denk W. (2004) Functional fluorescent Ca2+ indicator proteins in transgenic mice under TET control. PLoS Biol. 2004 Jun;2(6):e163.
  10. Huang L, Max M, Margolskee RF, Su H, Masland RH, Euler T. (2003) G protein subunit G gamma 13 is coexpressed with G alpha o, G beta 3, and G beta 4 in retinal ON bipolar cells. J Comp Neurol. 455(1):1-10.
  11. Euler T, Detwiler PB, Denk W. (2002) Directionally selective calcium signals in dendrites of starburst amacrine cells. Nature 418(6900):845-52.
  12. Euler T, Denk W. Dendritic processing. (2001) Curr Opin Neurobiol 2001 11:415-422.
  13. Euler T, Masland RH. (2000) Light-evoked responses of bipolar cells in a mammalian retina. J Neurophysiol. 83(4):1817-29.
  14. Rockhill RL, Euler T, Masland RH. (2000) Spatial order within but not between types of retinal neurons. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 97(5):2303-7.
  15. Euler T, Wässle H. (1998) Different contributions of GABAA and GABAC receptors to rod and cone bipolar cells in a rat retinal slice preparation. J Neurophysiol. 79(3):1384-95.
  16. Euler T, Schneider H, Wässle H. (1996) Glutamate responses of bipolar cells in a slice preparation of the rat retina. J Neurosci. 16(9):2934-44.
  17. Euler T, Wässle H. (1995) Immunocytochemical identification of cone bipolar cells in the rat retina. J Comp Neurol. 361(3):461-78.
  18. Brandstätter JH, Greferath U, Euler T, Wässle H. (1995) Co-stratification of GABAA receptors with the directionally selective circuitry of the rat retina. Vis Neurosci. 12(2):345-58.

Book chapters and other articles

  1. Baden T, Prieto Godino LP, Yusuf S, Berens P (2013) Neurowissenschaften in Afrika – Kooperationen und Perspektiven. Neuroforum 2/13.
  2. Euler T, Hausselt SE. (2012) Wie die Netzhaut die Richtung von Bewegungen berechnet (Computation of motion direction in the vertebrate retina) Neuroforum 3/2012 234-245, DOI 10.1007/s13295-012-0033-x
  3. Euler T, Hausselt SE. (2008) Direction Selective Cells. In: Vision I, The Senses – A Comprehensive Reference (Masland RH, Albright TD, eds), pp 413-422, San Diego: Academic Press.
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