Welcome to the EulerLab
Our research aims at a better understanding of the sophisticated neural computations that take place already in the early visual system, in particular, the retina.
We are part of the Institute of Ophthalmic Research at the University of Tübingen, the Center for Integrative Neuroscience (CIN) and the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience (BCCN) in Tübingen.

Travel Grants from the Pro Retina - Stiftung
Nadine Dyszkant and Tom Schwerd-Kleine each receive a travel grant from the Pro Retina - Stiftung to participate in the 2024 FASEB meeting "Retinal Neurobiology and Visual Processing“- Congratulations!
Werner Reichardt Symposium in Tübingen
This symposium will be held on April 19, 2024 in honour of the centenary of the birth of Werner Reichardt, founding director of the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics and a pioneer in the fields of vision science and what is now known as computational neuroscience.
European Retina Meeting (ERM) 2023 in Tübingen
We are happy to organize this years European Retina Meeting from September 17-20, 2023 in Tübingen!
Thanks to more than 30 excellent speakers, who accepted our invitation, we were able to put together an exciting program – including sessions such as “Retinal Circuit Functions”, “From the Retina to the Brain”, “Primate Retina”, “Disease & Restoration”, and ” Vision across Species”.
Women in Science 2021 Award for Anna Vlasits
We congratulate Anna for receiving the Women in Science 2021 price, jointly awared by the Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard Stiftung, the German UNESCO commission, and L’Oréal Germany!!
Doctoral Scholarship for Lara Höfling
We congratulate Lara Höfling for receiving a Doctoral Scholarship of the prestigious Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes!!
Schilling Research Award 2021 to Katrin Franke
We congratulate our collaborator Katrin Franke for receiving the Schilling Research Award of the German Neuroscience Society (GNS) 2021 !!
Open Visual Stimulator paper online
The paper on our flexible, spatial visual stimulator with up to 6 chromatic channels is available at eLIFE. The stimulator combines commercial digital light processing (DLP) devices with open hard- and software components that can be easily adapted to the experimentalist’s specific needs. Further information can be found in our GitHub repository.
Retreat³ - Second joint retreat of the Berens, Franke and Euler labs
At Kloster Obermarchtal, we spend three very intense and pleasant days discussing carriers, lab life and, of course, science. We were joined by our long-term collaborators Laura Busse (LMU) and Matthias Bethge - both from CRC 1233 "Robust Vision" - and Alex Ecker, who presented their work and provided us with valuable input.
Group picture courtesy of Z. Zhao.
Make Your Own Neuron
"Spikeling", an open source in silico implementation of a spiking neuron that was developed by Tom Baden and colleagues is now available. To get your own, check out the paper and the GitHub repository.
Visual Processing at the Heart of the Retina
The third annual meeting of the switchBoard European Training Network (Sept 17-20, 2018) at the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, Switzerland offers a public symposium and summer school on cutting-edge retina research in Europe and internationally.
The retina symposium will take place Thursday Sept 20 (Confirmed speakers: Prof. EJ Chichilnisky, Dr. Jeffrey S. Diamond, Dr. Michal Rivlin , Dr. Marion Silies, Prof. Tetsuya Yagi).
A Look at Award-Winning Research on Visual Processing
Read Katrin Franke’s post on Career Advice at sfn.org.
SPP 2041 "Computational Connectomics"
We are happy to be part of the DFG-funded SPP 2041 "Computational Connectomics", coordinated by Jochen Triech (BFNT Frankfurt, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt).
Nemko Prize for Katrin Franke
At this year's SfN meeting, Katrin Franke received the Nemko Prize in Cellular or Molecular Neuroscience.
Postdoc position in Systems Neuroscience available
Applications are sought for a Postdoc position for a collaborative project in the groups of Thomas Euler and Philipp Berens at the Institute for Ophthalmic Research, the CIN , and the Bernstein Centre for Computational Neuroscience (BCCN) of the University of Tübingen.
The project is part of the DFG Priority Programme „Computational Connectomics” (SPP 2041), coordinated by Jochen Triesch (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt).
Picture by Tartuferi, 1887.
Interactive Eye Exhibit revealed at VilVite Science Center, Bergen
As part of their training and in close collaboration with VilVite, PhD students from the ITN "switchBoard" created an interactive exhibit that illustrates some of the retina's main working principles. The exhibit was revealed on November 6, 2017, in the VilVite Science Center in Bergen, Norway, where it is now part of the permanent exhibition.
The Innovative Training Network (ITN) "switchBoard" receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 674901.
A video of the ceremony is available here (courtesy of Ingrid Hagerup and the University of Bergen)
Picture by Gemma Taverni.
New Symposium Issue in Journal of Physiology
The Journal of Physiology Symposium Issue this August (J Physiol 15 August 2017, 595:16) contains three review articles written together by members of the Berens, Baden and Euler labs. They cover recent developments with respect to bipolar cell function, and the connectivity between photoreceptors and horizontal cells in the outer mouse retina.
Joint retreat of the Berens, Franke and Euler labs
Together, we spent two intense days presenting and discussing science at Kloster Obermarchtal, with very valuable input from our guests and collaborators Matthias Bethge, Tom Baden and Günther Zeck.
Group picture courtesy of Z. Zhao.
New version of our visual stimulation software available
QDSpy v0.75 beta is now available.
For new feature and detail on bug fixes, see repository and documentation.
New publication in Nature
Our study on bipolar cells by Franke, Berens et al. is now published in Nature, accompanied by a News & Views article "Systems neuroscience: Diversity in sight" by Richard H. Masland.
CRC 1233 | Robust Vision – Inference Principles and Neural Mechanisms
In January 2017, our collaborative research center “Robust Vision – Inference Principles and Neural Mechanisms” (CRC 1233) started. Funded by the DFG (German Research Foundation), a group of more than 20 PIs will jointly address the question why biological visual systems are so remarkably robustness. To this end, we will combine expertise in experimental and computational neuroscience, as well as in machine learning and computer vision.
New version of our visual stimulation software available
QDSpy v0.73 beta is now using Qt5 and its GUI scales better on HD displays.
For details, see repository and documentation.